To Success

Skill Fusion

Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Rue Phillips on his podcast "Failing to Success" on Jul 30, 2023. The discussion revolves around Rue Phillips's success after overcoming challenges at Skill Fusion. The information shared about Skill Fusion is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

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Rue Phillips

In this episode 137 of "Failing to Success", Rue Phillips shares his journey from being a musician to becoming an entrepreneur in the electric vehicle industry. Rue's background in electrical contracting led him to install and service electric vehicle infrastructure, gaining experience that would shape his future ventures.

How did Rue Phillips With Skill Fusion Grow Their Business?

✅ Rue Phillips shares his journey from being a musician to becoming an entrepreneur in the electric vehicle industry.

✅ He started with installing and servicing electric vehicle infrastructure, leveraging his electrical contracting background.

✅ Recognizing the need for trained and certified electricians, Rue co-founded Skill Fusion to address the labor shortage and provide training and certification for EV service and maintenance.

✅ He emphasizes the importance of having an end goal, surrounding yourself with smart and passionate people, embracing adaptability, accepting failure as a hurdle, and networking extensively.

✅ The electric vehicle industry is growing rapidly, and Rue sees a bright future with increased EV adoption and automakers' commitment to electric vehicles.

In this episode 137 of "Failing to Success", Rue Phillips shares his journey from being a musician to becoming an entrepreneur in the electric vehicle industry. Rue's background in electrical contracting led him to install and service electric vehicle infrastructure, gaining experience that would shape his future ventures.

After realizing the shortage of trained electricians and the need for standardized credentials in the industry, Rue co-founded Skill Fusion. This digital platform focuses on providing training, certification, and compliance services for electric vehicle technicians. Rue emphasizes the importance of addressing the labor shortage and ensuring that skilled electricians are available to service and maintain the growing EV infrastructure.

Throughout the conversation, Rue shares valuable insights for entrepreneurs. He emphasizes the significance of having an end goal, surrounding oneself with smart and passionate individuals, embracing adaptability, accepting failure as a hurdle, and networking extensively. Rue's journey highlights the thriving electric vehicle industry and the opportunities it presents for passionate individuals willing to contribute to its growth.


00:00:00 Intro

00:00:43 Jumping Onto the Entrepreneur Wagon

00:01:41 Electric Vehicles

00:03:06 Skill Fusion

00:03:48 Selling the Business

00:07:10 Why Retirement Didn't Last

00:09:22 Entrepreneurship Tips

00:11:35 Contact Rue

Notable Questions We Asked Rue Phillips

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