PETE Learning

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Luis E. Garcia on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Jul 12, 2024. The discussion revolves around Luis E. Garcia’s success after overcoming challenges at PETE Learning. The information shared about PETE Learning is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

AI accelerates employee readiness, reducing onboarding time from months to weeks.

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Luis E. Garcia on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Jul 12, 2024. The discussion revolves around Luis E. Garcia’s success after overcoming challenges at PETE Learning. The information shared about PETE Learning is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
AI accelerates employee readiness, reducing onboarding time from months to weeks.
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$2 million in Seed Financing
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How do you see AI being integrated into workforce development and changing the way we train employees?

AI makes personalized training affordable and efficient, enabling smaller companies to create comprehensive learning programs that accelerate employee readiness and performance.

What are the key benefits of using AI in training programs?

AI-driven platforms reduce the time needed for onboarding and ensure employees reach peak performance faster by creating personalized, role-specific training content and using simulations for assessment.

How does Pete Learning’s AI platform work in creating training content?

The platform automates the process of translating expertise into training materials, bypassing the need for a human instructional designer, and places these courses into a centralized learning management system for easy access and tracking.

Do you see AI replacing jobs, or is it more of an assistant to enhance roles?

AI will augment human roles by making people more efficient, potentially reducing the number of employees needed for certain tasks while creating opportunities for new roles and more complex problem-solving activities.

What future changes do you foresee in the workplace with the integration of AI?

AI will transform various business aspects by enabling quick data analysis and decision-making, leading to a more resilient and efficient business environment, with personalized training playing a crucial role in this transformation.

How do you see AI being integrated into workforce development and changing the way we train employees?
What are the key benefits of using AI in training programs?
How does Pete Learning’s AI platform work in creating training content?
Do you see AI replacing jobs, or is it more of an assistant to enhance roles?
What future changes do you foresee in the workplace with the integration of AI?
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Company Stats

  • Founded: July 2023
  • Capital Raised: $2 million in seed financing
  • Employees: 12 (half in the US, half around the world)

Episode Highlights

  • ✅ AI-driven training platforms make personalized learning affordable for small to medium-sized companies.
  • ✅ AI accelerates employee readiness, reducing onboarding time from months to weeks.
  • ✅ Personalized and role-specific training enhances learning effectiveness and engagement.

Episode Summary

In this episode, we talk with Luis Garcia, the president of Pete Learning, a company that utilizes AI to revolutionize workforce development. Founded in July 2023, Pete Learning recently raised $2 million in seed financing and employs a diverse team of 12 people. Luis explains how AI can create personalized and efficient training programs, making high-quality learning accessible to smaller companies.

Luis discusses the significant impact AI has on speeding up the onboarding process and enhancing employee performance. By automating the translation of expertise into training content and leveraging simulations for assessment, Pete Learning's AI-driven platform ensures employees reach peak performance quickly. The conversation also explores the broader implications of AI in the workplace, highlighting its potential to assist and augment human roles rather than replace them.


00:00 Intro

00:07 Company Stats

00:33 AI in Workforce Development

03:00 Future of AI in the Workplace

09:17 Connect with PETE Learning